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Research Questions 
How has my experience as a woman been unique? How has it been universal?

How can I gain more intersectionality in my feminism?

How can I make my feminism more inclusive?

How do I express/present all of the above through my dance practice?

MA Research: Feminism: About


 My main research inquiries surrounding feminism are focused on how I can present feminist ideals through dance without alienating potential audiences. I believe there is often a negative connotation surrounding feminists; think of terms like feminazi. I am hoping to challenge this stereotype through my work and show that feminism should be for everyone. My inquiry questions the effectiveness of the use of contemporary dance as the medium for delivering this message. I also acknowledge that as a white, straight, cisgendered woman, I am somewhat limited in terms of intersectionality. My research aims to explore how I can be more inclusive and explore different avenues of feminism through the medium of contemporary dance.

MA Research: Feminism: Text
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MA Research: Feminism: Image

Why Is Feminism Important?

Feminism is a large part of my life and defines much of what I do. Something that is crucial to my understanding of feminism is that it really should benefit everyone. If we leave room for men in feminist theory, it will progress twice as fast. If we can acknowledge that misogyny is harmful to men and women alike, we can assume that feminism is advantageous to both sexes. For example, we know that male suicide rates are 3 to 4 times higher for men. Much of this comes from the stigma of men not talking about their feelings; that being emotional is feminine and weak. If we made space for men to talk about their feelings, to eradicate the stigma that surrounds mental health, then perhaps these figures would improve. If men are more educated in the issues that affect women, they have the power to make a difference. Another vital element of feminism is the intersectionality of other marginalised groups. I recognise that as a straight, white woman, I am in a position of privilege that many other women are not. I believe it is my duty to improve equality for all women; women of colour, queer women, disabled women, and women of low socio-economic position.

MA Research: Feminism: Text
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